Contents Part A: principles and functions of management 1. Nature and significance of management 1.1 modern concept of management/meaning of management 1.2 characteristics or features of management 1.3 objectives of management 1.4 importance of management 1.5 nature of management 1.6 levels of management 1.7 functions of management 1.8 coordination 2. Principles of Management 2.1 meaning of principles of Management 2.2 nature/features/characteristics of management principles 2.3 significance/importance of management principles 2.4 fayol’s principles of Management 2.5 scientific management developed by
fw. Taylor 2.6 comparison between Taylor and fayol 3. Business environment 3.1 meaning of business environment 3.2 features/characteristics/nature of business environment 3.3 importance of business environment.
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